Solar has become a buzzword now - everywhere there is something about solar going on. But why should you consider solar? There are several benefits.

1. Abundant Free Resources
It is a known fact that Africa is such a resourceful continent. The minerals and natural resources resident is an envy to many nations in the world. And one addition to the myriad of resources abundant in Africa is the sun - solar. Solar power for homes and businesses in Africa makes a lot of sense. These are some of the reasons why you should consider solar power for your home or business.
2. Reduce Your Power Bills
By using solar, you reduce the cost of power from the utility company. Solar gives you the ability to choose which loads you want to put on solar and which ones on the utility. By putting your heavy consumers on solar, you can significantly reduce your power bills. Over the long haul, the savings accumulate to a huge amount that directly translates to your bottom line.
3. Less Dependence on the Grid
Every once in a while the grid goes down. And depending on which part of Africa you are, power outage can last from a few minutes to several days. The impact of power outage can be significant. For most businesses power is an important factor of production, whether you are a small restaurant, a hospital facility or a huge production plant. By having appropriately designed solar solutions, power outages become a thing of the past and thereby ensuring business continuity and productivity.
4. A Good Investment