The economic viability of solar for a business is a common question. The simple answer is yes. The broken down aspect is as follow
1. Cheaper per unit than Kenya Power
With a grid-connected solar system, the rate you pay per unit is cheaper than the rate charged by the utility per kwh. With solar you get to pay only for what you use, sparing you the additional carges that come with the utility billing such as Fuel Cost Charge (FCC), Foreign Exchange Rate Fluctuation Adjustment (FERFA), Inflation Adjustment (IA), WARMA Levy, ERC Levy etc..
2. ROI of less than 5 years
With prices of solar dropping steadily, commercial solar projects can have an ROI of less than 5 years, resulting in significant energy cost saving for the remaining years of the solar systems lifetime, which is typically 25 years.
3. Solar financing available